Sydney Brodie
May 29, 2024
Article type:
Moving Help & Tips
Applies to:
All Moving

Everything You Need to Know About Peak Moving Season

Summer is the undisputed champion of relocation season. But why do so many people pack their bags when the weather's perfect for barbecues and pool days? In this blog, we'll break down the reasons behind the summer moving surge, and more importantly, equip you with tips and tricks to navigate your own summer move.  

Why Is Moving in the Summer So Popular?  

Summer is by far the most popular season to move. In fact, more than 60 percent of moves occur in the summer with the most popular months being July and August. Why are so many people moving in the summer? A few top reasons include:  

  • Favorable Weather: No more icy sidewalks or slippery rain – summer typically offers pleasant conditions for loading, unloading, and getting settled.
  • Extra Daylight: Long summer days provide more time to pack, unpack, and adjust to your new surroundings.
  • School Break: Families can relocate without disrupting children's education, giving everyone time to adjust before the new school year.
  • Timing of Leases: Most leases end and begin in the summertime which means a lot of people are moving apartments around this time.  

Tips to Make Your Summer Move Easier  

While it’s often cheaper and more convenient to move in the fall, winter, or spring, sometimes you just can’t avoid a summer move. Don’t worry if this is the case for you and your family—here are some of our best tips to take some of the stress out of your summer move:  

1. Move During the Week  

Weekday moves during summer can be a win-win. Movers are more available (often at lower rates), streets are less crowded, and you'll have a head start on settling in before the weekend.

2. Avoid Holiday Weekends  

While summer's great for moving, steer clear of holiday weeks like Memorial Day or Fourth of July. Movers are usually booked during these periods, rates might be higher, and holiday traffic can turn your travel time into a nightmare.  

3. Avoid the Beginning and End of the Month  

Most apartment leases will end (and begin) at the end or very beginning of the month, which means these are very popular times to move. If you can, schedule your move for the second or third week of the month to hopefully get better rates, more flexible scheduling, and less competition for movers.  

4. Avoid Peak Summer Heat Days  

Moving earlier or later in the summer to avoid extreme heat is also a good idea. Extreme heat can be harmful to your health and the health of your movers. It can also potentially damage certain items like electronics.  

5. Book Your Moving Company Early  

Because summer is so busy, moving companies book up quickly. If you know you have a move coming up, don’t wait to schedule your movers. We recommend booking movers at least 6 weeks in advance, but 8 weeks (about 2 months) is ideal.  

Waiting until the last minute could mean that your top moving choice is booked, and you’re left scrambling to find other options.  

Need more summer moving tips? Click here to learn more about how to prepare for your summer move.  

Plan Your Summer Move with Bailey’s Moving and Storage  

Moving in the summer can be challenging, which is why it’s important to choose an experienced mover. Whether you’re moving across town or across the country, Bailey’s Moving and Storage will help you get there, no matter what time of year it is. Click here to learn more about how to get a moving quote.  

Looking for more moving advice? Check out the rest of our learning center for more helpful tips and tricks to make your move go smoothly. This blog on how to get rid of unwanted items before moving day is a good place to get started.